Brenden Adams has been dedicated to his career as a forensic engineer for over twelve years. Brenden has investigated numerous domestic and international properties to provide insight regarding failures stemming from manmade and natural causation involving a diverse array of building systems, components, and materials. His expertise has been trusted for evaluating major catastrophic events, historic buildings, high-rise construction, and numerous other complex assessments across the commercial, multi-residential, and industrial building sectors.
Brenden has provided reporting for cause and origin determination, extent of damage, repair or retrofit analyzation, building system performance assessments, and additional technical evaluations as part of insurance claims, litigation, and real estate enterprise. Brenden is active in academic and professional organizations.
Registered Roofing Consultant (RRC)
FAA Licensed Remote Pilot
Featured Experience
Wind and Hail Evaluations, Commercial Structures, Multiple Locations, USA
Investigation of wind and/or hail damage to structural systems, commercial roofing, and exterior building systems at several structures and complexes throughout the US. Investigations included non‑destructive testing, analysis, intrusive testing, extraction of samples, and laboratory testing to determine the cause(s) and extent of damage and provide immediate and permanent repair solutions.
Wind and Hail Evaluations, Single-Family and Multi-Unit Residential Structures, Multiple locations, USA
Investigation to determine the extent of wind and/or hail damage to asphalt shingle, metal, clay tile, concrete tile, cedar shake, and slate roofing and various finish and cladding systems at single‑family and multi-unit residential structures and developments.
Evaluations for Various Hurricanes, Multiple Locations, USA and Caribbean
Investigation of various types of commercial structures, residential structures, ports, and terminals, to determine the extent of damage caused by wind, water infiltration, storm surge, and flooding as a result of Hurricanes in the affected areas. The project scope often included delineation between causes, scope of damage, and appropriate scope of repair.
Cause and Origin of Water Infiltration, Multiple Locations, USA and abroad
Evaluation of distress caused by water infiltration and determination of the cause. Moisture testing and/or intrusive investigation was utilized in many instances.
Suramericana Earthquake Damage Evaluation
Damage evaluation, FEM modeling and analysis of the existing structural systems, and detailed retrofit design of 12 industrial and commercial properties located in and around Mexico City following the September 2017 Puebla Earthquake.
The Peterborough, Christchurch, New Zealand.
Litigation support for earthquake damage assessment of a historic unreinforced masonry (URM) four-story apartment building and an underground carpark. The site featured significant damage related to both building shaking and soil liquefaction. Imposed displacement finite element analysis of the building was performed to assess superstructure damage.
Lincoln University, Lincoln, New Zealand.
Evaluated the extent of earthquake-related damage to concrete and masonry structures. Coordinated and performed material extraction and testing of concrete cores.
223 Salisbury Road, Christchurch, New Zealand.
Determined the extent of earthquake-related damage to a 40-unit condominium. Developed a detailed repair scope to cast-in-place and precast concrete.
Earthquake Evaluations, Various Wineries, Blenheim Wine Region, New Zealand
Evaluated hundreds of stainless-steel wine tanks, connections, foundations, catwalks, and facilities at various wineries in the wine region for damage and repair resulting from earthquakes.
12-24 Gore Street, Christchurch, New Zealand
Assessed construction and design defects in a 40-story condominium in downtown Auckland.
Wood Truss Evaluations, Multiple Locations, USA
Evaluated the design, extent of damage, and as-built condition of wood roof and floor trusses. Determined the cause and origin of damage, defects, and failures.
Spontaneous Glass Failure, W-Hotel, Austin, TX
Evaluated the balcony structure and glass debris to determine the cause of spontaneous glass failure. Located failure origin pieces amongst thousands of glass fragments.
Parking Garages, Multiple Locations
Determined the cause and origin of failures of post-tensioning at a parking garage as part of litigation services. Performed condition assessments and evaluation of the design and construction of garage structures for the purposes of real estate enterprise.
Sudden Failure/Collapses, Multiple Locations
Evaluated cause and origin of collapses in single-family structures, apartments, and commercial buildings. Projects include dome collapses, balcony and walkway collapses, and brick wall failure resulting in partial building collapse. Scope included designing shoring and repair plans.
Vehicle Impacts, Multiple Locations
Evaluated the extent of damage resulting from vehicle impacts to residential and commercial property. Provided repair design for impact-related damage.
Fire Evaluations, Multiple Locations
Evaluated the extent of damage resulting from fire at residential and commercial properties. Provided emergency shoring and repair design for associated damage.
Explosions, Multiple Locations
Evaluated the extent of damage resulting from explosions at commercial and residential properties.
Plumbing Failure, Multiple Locations
Evaluated the extent of damage to foundations and structures resulting from plumbing failures.